31 October 2011

MANic Monday

Sorry, no Jon Snow today. Although I'm going to start stalking him forthwith. Is it possible to stalk a fictional character? No? Hmm. Then I'll have to put off stalking this guy, too.

Ladies *and maybe gents?* I know I have issues. But I get attached to characters easily, especially knowing how much time and effort goes into crafting them. So, today's offering is quite possibly one of the manliest Final Fantasy characters I've seen. *Vincent is also a good candidate*

Today, we have Auron. I. LOVE. AURON. He's one of the best characters from ANY series I've played and I have a total thing for him. Why?

Because Auron is the shit.

Oh. You need better reasons? Well fine.

Auron is one of those men who is blunt when he has to be and silent when he should be. He's somewhat of a father-ish figure to the protagonist Tidus, and he's by far one of the most useful characters you'll have. I can't remember a major battle where I didn't have Auron on the front line. He's a heavy-hitter, dependable, and can kick serious butt.

Also, he's not irritating. Granted, I loved FFX. I loved the story (even the super-confusing ending which angered me so much I bought FFX-2 just to figure out what the hell happened). I loved the different species, the set-up, the locales. But above it all, I loved Auron. His no-nonsense attitude was refreshing after the countless games where dialogue was frilly and poorly thought-out, and I appreciated how blunt he could be. He isn't necessarily the most charming or humorous character, but he's tough-as-nails. And let's face it. A guy who can use a two-handed sword with one hand is kinda sexy.


agirlintheworld said...

I could totally lick the screen right now. Just sayin'...

lexcade said...

Hehehehe, who wouldn't? ;)

Chris Phillips said...

Me. Screens are often dusty, and also contain static electricity.

lexcade said...

Where's your sense of adventure?

Lisa Fox said...

I love that you included "Auron is the shit" because he is. In every way.