15 April 2010

bit the bullet...

and as i expected, mr bransford was a no-go (but he's still awesome). i'm actually glad to have that first rejection out of the way. i'm not having a crisis *yet* and i'm going to just keep working and doing my thing and trying to improve myself and my product. because...well, i'm okay with rejection, but i'm not going to settle for being rejected over and over again. i wrote something that actually has promise, and i know that i need to polish up the marketing tools, i.e. the query. so i'm going to just force it down people's throats, haha. OK, i'm not. but i'm going to try resubmitting to query shark and to evil editor. and revisiting forums and whatnot. i'm going to do whatever it takes to get noticed. the people in my head deserve a concentrated effort, even if it doesn't pay off. i'd rather fail knowing i tried everything than fail because i didn't try enough.

in other news, i'm really starting to love this AVON thing. i'm putting ideas together for some raffles and parties and anything else i can think of short of going door-to-door. *ding dong! avon lady!* but yeah. i just need a boatload more money before i can really get this off the ground. avon has way too much awesome stuff that i want/need to try so i can sell it effectively. not gonna try everything, but i want to have a good, solid understanding of what this stuff does. thankfully, my mom and sister are great guinea pigs.

but i was thinking about putting a bridal care package together, maybe working with some of the area bridal stores. i have a bunch of stuff i'd love to include in it, like bubble bath, perfume, some makeup, nail polish, a footcare set, and a few other goodies. the only thing is that i don't know how to work it so far. maybe a raffle? IDK. i've done enough fundraising in my life to know that things like this would be good, but getting it organized and figuring out how to do it is a little tough. if they'd be willing, i'd just donate it to get my name out there (gotta spend money to make money, right?), and that way i could write it off my taxes. i know that the bridal store my sis went to has a pretty solid clientele.

i also wanted to put together something for father's day. we don't have a lot by way of skin products (which is lame, IMHO), but we have a buttload of fragrances. maybe something like that? i don't have much time to plan this. it's already wedding season and father's day is just around the corner. grr, argh.

all right. off to go plan and scheme. once again, if you want to buy some avon off me, the website is www.youravon.com/cpeace

peace out.


Mayowa said...

Welcome to the trenches :)

I love your go get em attitude. Good luck.

lexcade said...

thanks, mayowa. much appreciated.

i got very good at go get em in high school. my senior english teacher single-handedly made me hate words, so i got to the point where i pushed myself to make every paper that much better. she made me have a tough skin.

Mayowa said...


Teachers like that are great, you hate and you love em at the same time (or later hehe).

Had a rough time with the first twenty or so rejections, but im all settled into the process now/skins all tough now.

lexcade said...

that's great. lol, i hated her at the time, but when i got to college, i finally figured out that she was tormenting me for my own good.

i'm going back to the drawing board, doing what i did with her. gonna write the query that makes nathan bransford say yes. or at least the one i believe would make him say yes. you know what i mean?