08 July 2011

Friday Feature 7/8

Ok. So I haven't done this in like 3 months. It doesn't seem to be all that popular, but I have fun with it. Sooooo yeah.

Today I wanted to share my favorite song of all time. Yes. ALL. TIME. Which will probably explain a lot for y'all.

Fuel has been my favorite band since I was in high school. I adore them. They make me happy. Well, happy-ish. They were one of those bands I could identify with, and whenever I was hurt or upset, I listened to them, and it was like therapy set to great guitar. Also, they're a GREAT band to write to. Seriously. I think half the songs I used for Duality are theirs.

Without further ado, I present to you Shimmer by Fuel


Anonymous said...

Hey, I liked this. :D
Thanks for sharing. This is the second music video I watched/listened to, and liked on your blog.

lexcade said...

I'm glad!!! I love sharing music, especially music that's great for writing.

Andrea (Andee) Beltran said...

I can certainly see how this is your all-time favorite song. I love, love, love it.

My all-time favorite song is Landslide.

Happy Friday to you! Andrea

lexcade said...

Thanks, Andee! I always thought it was beautiful and a little tragic...

Landslide is an AMAZING song. Prollie my favorite Fleetwood Mac/Stevie Nicks song.