20 January 2012

Friday Feature 1/20 + Update

I haven't done one of these in a LOOOOOOOOOOOONG time, and I've missed it.

But first, a little update.

As most of you know, I've started a review site with Landra Graf which focuses on independently published and self-published books. We've reviewed 2 books this month, and I couldn't be happier with the feedback we've received. We review 2 books every month. Landra and I post separate reviews, which go up on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and we also have an author interview at the end of the week. It's been fun, and Landra and I have gotten access to some pretty great books.

However, because I've go so many irons in the fire, I've largely ignored this blog. I'm hoping to change that, because I do enjoy blogging. I love being able to connect with you guys, who are so kind as to follow my inane ramblings. I hope to have more content up in the future, once I get this whole scheduling thing figured out. Time management has never been one of my strong suits.

That being typed, I would love for you guys to check out the site, after you listen to this week's feature, of course ;)

This week's feature is a song I'm completely obsessed with and, amazingly, heard for the first time at WORK. God bless my coworker for figuring out how to change the music... Anyway, for your listening pleasure, here's Snow Patrol's "Called out in the Dark"


M. Dunham said...

Ok, that video cracked me up! I love it when people do original videos that aren't weird just for the sake of being weird.

lexcade said...

I love that video. It cracks me up.